How old does my athlete have to be?
Runners can start as early as 4.5 years old and up to 17 years old. If your athlete is 4.5 they should be able to concentrate and follow instruction in a group setting.
How much does it cost to participate?
The registration fee is $300. This covers uniforms, registration, & practices. We are able to keep the fees reasonable with fundraising efforts.
Are there any other fees that’s not included in the registration fee?
Parents are responsible for AAU ($16 ) & USATF ($20) Membership Fees and Invitational Meets are usually $10
You must deposit $100.00 in the beginning of the season. If your athlete qualifies for the Jr. The Olympics your check will be cashed for your child's fees.
Do I have to participate in Fundraisers
YES, The Swoop Time Track & Field Program has 2 MANDATORY team fundraisers that are not included in the registration. The fundraisers help us to keep our fees low, Insurance, purchase equipment, pay for practice and meet facility cost.
Do the runners need a Uniform?
Uniforms are required and consists of a Jersey top and shorts. Uniforms are included in registration fee
Uniforms are required to complete in every Meet
How long does the track season goes?
The regular season goes from March to May
The postseason goes from May to August
When are the Practices?
Each team practices in their local city on Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday and some teams might practice on Monday/Thursday due to Coaches availability.
Practice locations are based on facility availability
What are the Practices Times?
All teams usually practice on Week Days 5:40pm to 7:40pmpm and Saturday's 10:30am to 1:30pm
Where are the meets held at?
The meets are on Saturdays in Tracy, Sacramento, Hayward, Ripon, Brentwood, The Bay and Stockton.
Invitational Meets usually requires more travel.
How long are the Practices?
Practice are 2 hours to 3 hours. Some runners may stay after practice to get extra work in.
How long are the Meets?
All meets start on a rolling schedule starting between 8:00am ending around 4 pm
How should my child dress for practice?
No matter the weather, dress warmly but in layers. Athletes should wear comfortable, flexible clothing – no jeans or khakis. Running shoes are required, no basketball shoes or other flat bottom sneakers. They should bring plenty of water and sunscreen.